Government’s Biggest “Special Interest” Is Government

Posted on the 23 March 2013 by Adask

Government’s Growing “Special Interests” (Photo credit: woodleywonderworks)

Here’s evidence to show that government has become a enormous parasite feeding off the People who work for a living.  Worse, so many people are now working for government and feeding at the public trough that it’ll be almost impossible to vote to cut government employment or “benefits”.

American government has become the main political “Party” just as the the government of the former Soviet Union was that nation’s only “political party”.  The Democrat, and more recently the Republican, parties are just two wings of the Big Government Party.

If we can’t vote the “Big Government Party” out of Washington, maybe we can starve ‘em out.  As the video explains, the average federal employee is paid double what’s earned by the average private sector employee.  So what would happen to those porcine government employees if the private sector stopped paying taxes?  I know this scenario is improbable, but a widespread tax revolt by productive members of society could be just what’s needed to shrink the size of government.

Of course, if the government grows large enough or dumb enough, it will collapse the economy and an impoverished people will have a “de facto” tax revolt in that they are simply too broke to pay taxes.  If we had a depression, I could probably survive, but could Big Government?

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