GOTW: Mini Moet Cracker from Selfridges

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

Welcome to my sparkly new blog feature, Gift of the Week! Every week I’ll be sharing with you my go-to gifts for the festive season. Basically, I woke up feeling Christmassy and this morning began with a lot of online shopping so to justify this I’ve decided to share the most exciting things that I have found during my shopping sesh on the run up to Christmas. There’s only six weeks to go!

This week, it’s the mini Moet cracker. I love anything that comes in a cracker so it’s no surprise that this superb stocking filler caught my eye. I usually pop mini bottles of bubbles in amongst other goodies for friends and family so the fact that this comes in a cracker makes it that bit more fun. The best bit? You don’t even have to wrap it! You can choose from the original Moet here at £15.99 or the pink Moet (my favourite) here at £18.99. Happy shopping!

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