Gotta Love Those Quirky Kids

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It's no secret that kids say quirky things sometimes, but they can also be extremely profound.  I'm not sure they always mean to be, but they are.  I'll give you three recent examples that came from my daughter, who's 4 and a half.  The first two examples come from our dinner time ritual of 'talking about our day' and the conversations went like this:
Dad: "Today was the best day of my life... well... aside from the day I got married... and the days you girls were born."
Mimi: "What about the day you were born?!?"
Dad: "Do you think you live in your own little world sometimes Mimi?"
Mimi: "You don't want to know the answer to that."
Then there was yesterday when I overheard her say "bloody owl" which I presume was her interpretation of a similarly sounding curse.
Me: "What!?  Why did you say that?"
Mimi: "I don't know."
Me: "Who said that?  Were did you hear it?"
Mimi: "No one did; I just made it up."
Me: "I don't believe you."
Mimi: "Why not?  I made up my invisible friends Africa and Bunny; I can make up words - no problem."
Yep.  You gotta love quirky kids.
As for today's 'blog-post-age-stamp' photo - it's a copy of a picture that Lotti brought home from school the other day; as a mother it's rather disturbing to see a normally happy child painting something so wild and manic, and densely black and blue... but when I looked in the corner and saw that the teacher had written "A watermelon" as the title, I was stupefied.
Yep.  You gotta love your quirky kids... they're yours after all.
PS - congrats to Heather D who won the Summer Ebook prize pack - enjoy!