GoToMeeting Vs Gotowebinar 2020: Which One Worths The HYPE?

Posted on the 14 July 2020 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Hey People, looking for an awesome app that helps you work from home? GoToMeeting vs GoToWebinar Want to attend an important function but can't relocate to the place? What if your boss orders you for an urgent meeting or discussion and you are not available? Staying far away from your closed ones and wish you could have a word with them by seeing them and the expression they have when they see you? The answer to all these queries is a Video calling platform that serves you with the best quality video calling options.

There are so many different video conferencing platforms that are made available in the deep ocean of such platforms like Skype, Zoom, GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, etc. In this article, I am going to discuss with you two of the fastest-growing video conferencing platforms GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar.

A section under which I will get you familiar with what actually is GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar is on an individual basis. This is a section where I will give you an initial idea about what actually these platforms and are and how they serve people. A section completely of crisp knowledge and to the point information about the platform is here.

One of the most favorite tools and fast-growing platforms for conducting online meetings, video conferencing, and even demonstration based on sales and other important events over a video is GoToMeeting. GoToMeeting is a platform that is friendly and can be accessed using any operating system. Great flexibility and customer service form the base of GoToMeeting. Another important point to prove the flexibility of GoToMeeting is that it can be operated even from a smartphone in case the user does not have an electronic gadget or a personal computer to operate GoToMeeting.

There are various features that are offered as a complimentary service by GoToMeeting and again for the premium services, GoToMeeting is chargeable. GoToMeeting is a platform that is made keeping in mind the virtuality of employees. For people with a startup, if they wish to conduct an online seminar for people across different parts of the world, it becomes super easy with the help of GoToMeeting.

The rival for GoToMeeting in this article and the complete point of discussion is the GotoWebinar. A platform dedicated to businesses and the owners of various businesses that helps them in forwarding information to their employees, colleagues, customers, and other people around the globe are GotoWebinar. I can also say that the reach for GotoWebinars is quite vast and around many parts of the world. The business owners who have a specific audience or a mod in mind and wish to serve them or provide them with the products or information they have to them, the first option that comes in mind is the GotoWebinar. GotoWebinar helps in providing online training to the employees via video and audio conference calls and simultaneously conducting meetings.

A simple and attractive user interface and ease of use for the platform forms the base of GotoWebinar. One more quality that stands out for GotoWebinar is that for the installation of GotoWebinar, the person does not need any IT knowledge or support. The setup is quite easy and can be done by any employee. GotoWebinar believes in providing the best services in the market at the minimum prices. The stand out quality about GotoWebinar is that it is compatible with PC as well as a MAC.

Features: GoToMeeting vs Gotowebinar

Features become an important parameter for any video conferencing platform. It's the features that decide whether the features that the platform is asking its subscribers are worth the price or not. There are many similar features that both GoToMeeting and GotoWebinar have to offer its users as they both belong to the same family. In this section, I will describe various features offered by the couple which is similar as well as the features that are not common in them.

Similar Features: For GoToMeeting and GotoWebinar:

Belonging to the same family and having the same blood flowing in their veins (that is of video conferencing) GoToMeeting and GotoWebinar posses various similar features. Here is a list of the similar features that the couple has to offer.

The first similar feature that both GoToMeeting and Gtowebinar have in common is their ratings. People love using both the plans equally and have the average rating for the couple is 4 stars out of 5 which is considered very good for any platform.

Also talking about the reviews of both GoToMeeting and GotoWebinar, there are mixed reviews with more weightage over the positive side. As there is an individual perspective with every individual, there are mixed as well as negative reviews but in comparison with the over the line comments, they are negligible.

The basic and equally important feature without which online video conferencing is not possible is the audio support. With video playing on the screen, it is important that there is audio running in the background for the perfect understanding of the ideas and information that the host wishes to convey to the people attending the meeting. Both GoToMeeting and Gotowebinar have this feature in common and they equally good in terms of audio clarity and voice modulation.

The most important feature that any platform conducting online meetings is video support. A Video conferencing platform without video support is a fish without water. It can't survive. As a fish can't survive without water, the same is the case with the platforms. It is very necessary for such platforms to have this feature. The pair is equally good in this feature and have a great resolution. The video quality offered by both the platforms is bagged with complete High-definition quality video conferencing.

Another important feature that is very common in various video conferencing platforms is chatting support. This feature plays an important role when there are many people joined together and if someone has a question or a query. The user has the option of raising his hand in the meeting or can type his query in the chatbox for the host or the expert to answer the query. Again, both the platforms have done wonders in this feature as well and the chatbox is very attractive and easy to search on the screen as well as use it.

The quality of video resolution that both the platforms have to offer is the High Definition video quality. GoToMeeting and GotoWebinar have maintained a standard in their video resolution.

Different Features: For GoToMeeting and GotoWebinar:

Since both GoToMeeting and Gotowebinar are first cousins belonging from the same family have certain qualities that differ from each other as well. Under this section, I will discuss the features of both GoToMeeting and GotoWebinar individually and getting you aware of the stand out features that make the pair different from each other.

Here is a list of all the features that GotoWebinar has to offer its users. I will describe a few of them in detail to give you an idea about those features.

  • Easy Planning.
  • Quick setup.
  • Effective tools for the promotion of events.
  • Audience engagements.
  • Conversion of hard-work into results.
  • Detailed analysis and reports.

Easy Planning and Quick Setup:

The first feature that I can call as the initial step of a platform is its installation and set up in the electronic gadget. With GotoWebinar, it is very easy to install the setup as there is no additional IT support needed to install the GotoWebinar.

This makes it easy for the users on the first hand to buy this platform and on the second hand it's setup is quite easy to install on your personal computer. The planning process is also very simple with GotoWebinar as the host just needs to create an ID and provide the people with passwords.

Effective Tools for promotion of events:

The next feature that stands out for GotoWebinar is the effective tool feature. There are great tools such as invites, branding, automatic email reminders, and other such tools that will be sent to the people who wish to attend the meeting organized by the host.

These tools make life easy for the host as he now no longer has to worry about informing people about the seminar or the meeting he is going to conduct. The promotion of an event becomes super smooth with the help of this feature.

Audience Engagement:

The next feature that GotoWebinar has to offer its users is audience engagement. GotoWebinar comes with a dashboard that lets the host have an idea of how much people are being responsive to the seminar. There is a monitor over which attentive people are in the seminar can be observed making it informative for the host whether to make the seminar a delight for people or make it more factual depending on the situation. With this feature, the host also has the liberty to organize various surveys and online polls for people attending the webinars to get an idea of the understanding level of people and simultaneously know the participation level of people.

Conversion of Hard-work into results:

The next important feature that GotoWebinar has come up with is the conversation of hard-work into results as they call it. With this feature, it becomes super easy for the host to record the complete seminar he has conducted and then upload the seminar over his other social platforms saving both time and energy. Obviously, the host works really hard over the seminar he is going to deliver. So rather than working again and again over the same topic, this feature of GotoWebinar makes life easy for people.

Detailed analysis and reports:

The final feature that I will discuss under this feature section of GotoWebinar is the detailed analysis and reports. GotoWebinar makes a list of all the people who attended the seminar and keeps track of all the activities that were carried out during the seminar. Again, source tracking helps the host to have an idea of most attraction to his seminar and from which region. An overall rating card is offered to the people attending the seminar and the complete analysis of what was the review given by the people attending the seminar is recorded.

The Features that stand out for GoToMeeting are listed below. I will explain every detail and feature that will be noted on the list. These are the features that stand out for the GoToMeeting and differ from the features that are offered by GotoWebinar. Here is the list of all the features GoToMeeting has to offer.

Application Sharing:c

The first feature that GoToMeeting has to offer application sharing. The GoToMeeting can be operated by using a computer or a desktop. But for other users who don't have a personal computer or a desktop can also use this platform using a smartphone. There is a separate application for GoToMeeting using which the user can easily join the family of GoToMeeting. The sharing of this application is also very easy. The GoToMeeting is compatible with all operating systems like Microsoft and MAC OS, iOS, Android, etc.

Conference room equipment:

The next feature that GoToMeeting has to offer its clients is the conference room equipment. There is various equipment that is present in a conference room and similar to them there are certain features and options available with GoToMeeting that make life really easy for the client or the host to conduct the meeting. The various equipment that is available in a conference room I like the mic, speakers, and most importantly the audience. GoToMeeting makes sure that you have each and every equipment that is necessary for conducting an amazing seminar.

Mobile conferencing:

The next feature that GoToMeeting has to offer its clients and that I will be discussing in front of you is the mobile conferencing. Mobile conferencing is a feature that makes life easy for a host because he can conduct a meeting from anywhere he wishes. All he needs is a smartphone or a mobile device and the application of GoToMeeting in it. He is ready to go GoToMeeting has an application in the Android version also and is compatible with all operating systems and also has anywhere anytime access for the host to conduct the meeting.

Availability of resources:

The next important feature of GoToMeeting is the availability of resources. The availability of resources means that GoToMeeting has to offer a white paper, case studies, videos, and other webinars as their resource. This is a feature that stands out for GoToMeeting as no other video conferencing platform has this feature under them. This feature can also be known as the USP of GoToMeeting as this feature attracts a lot of users and clients towards the premium subscription of GoToMeeting.

Meeting, recording, and conferencing:

Hard work always pays off so goes the famous saying if a host is working hard over his current webinar, it becomes very important for him to keep a track of all the records and also record the complete webinar. GoToMeeting does this for the user all the host and records the complete conversation or the complete meeting that was conducted.

This helps the host to upload the recorded meeting over other social media platforms that he uses making his life super smooth and really very easy and relaxing.

GoToMeeting vs GotoWebinar: Pricing Plans

The most important parameter for user to decide whether the platform is providing the services in respect of the price they are asking for or whether they should opt for any other platform totally depends upon the pricing of the platform does pricing becomes a very important parameter for people who are budget-oriented and who do not wish to spend more on such platforms. Here are the detailed pricing sheet and description of of the pricing plans and the charges that both the platforms ask you in return of the services they provide

Here is the list of the pricing plans that are offered by GoToMeeting and also so the price they ask for each plan.

Professional Plan:

the first planned that GoToMeeting has to offer its clients is the professional plan for enjoying all the services and trademarks offered by going to plan under the professional meeting the user needs to pay an amount of $12 wherein he'll be getting the features such as HD videos screen sharing web audio dial-in conference line unlimited meetings business messages and many more. there is no wrong or waste of money obtained from this professional plan offered by GoToMeeting as it is totally worth its price.

Business Plan:

the second and the last plan that GoToMeeting has to offer its clients is the business plan the services and the trademarks of an offered by the GoToMeeting platform remain the same as that of the professional plan but the catches that there is a permit of 250 participants in a single meeting as compared to 150 participants offered in professional plan. for enjoying the services of the business plan offered by GoToMeeting the user has to pay an amount of 16 US dollars per month. Paying much less amount for such a great platform is totally worth the platform and the services that are offered by GoToMeeting are way better than the pricing they are asking you for.

talking about the arrival platform in this article here is the list of the premium plans that are offered by Gotowebinar along with its pricing.

Starter Plan:

The first plan and very interesting plan offered by the goto webinar is the starter plan the benefits that the user gets by opting for the starter plan is that 800 participants are allowed in a meeting along with reporting and analytics automated emails custom brandings integrations and many more. To enjoy the services under the starter plan the user needs to pay an amount of $89 for the complete year

PRO Plan:

The second plan that GotoWebinar has to offer its clients is the PRO plan the benefits that the user gets by opting for the pro plan is that there is a permit of 500 participants in a single meeting. The services that are offered under the pro plan are quite similar to the starter plan but for enjoying the services of the pro plan the user needs to pay an amount of 199 US dollars per year.

FAQs: GoToMeeting vs Gotowebinar

GoToMeeting vs Gotowebinar: Testimonials

GoToMeeting Review &Testimonails GotoWebinar Reviews & Testimonails Quick Links:

Conclusion: GoToMeeting vs Gotowebinar Comparison 2020

Here I come to the end of the discussion under this section I will conclude the complete debate and also state which platform wins the battle under which parameter. Talking about the features initially GoToMeeting wins the battle hands down as it has more features as compared to Gotowebinar.

Talking about the pricing parameter both the platforms charge nearly equal if we talk about the yearly plans that are offered by the couple. Both the platforms are perfect at their own places but if there is a choice of selecting one among the two you on a personal basis I would go for GoToMeeting over GotoWebinar.