Gorgeous Winter Wedding Bouquet Ideas

By Weddingblog2011

Ah, the bouquet. You will hold it lovingly as you walk down the aisle, and it will be present in your wedding photos, and then you will toss it to some lucky lady who will be "next" down the wedding aisle (according to the tradition, anyway). If a plain, typical wedding bouquet is the last thing you want, you will appreciate today's post. Check out these simply stunning winter wedding bouquet ideas that you can use for inspiration!

Greenery and Sparkle

Perfect for a winter wedding, this gorgeous bouquet is actually quite simple. Roses and pine greenery are combined with beautiful silver sparkle for a magical effect. It really looks chilled, like the perfect winter day!

Comforting Winter Tones and Elements

Gorgeous white roses are paired with pine cones and dusty miller to make this bouquet perfect for winter. It works very well for the season, but it also has a warmth, with the brown tones of the pine cones and the warm undertones in the ivory roses.

As Cute as a Button

If it's a button bouquet you want, it's a button bouquet you'll get. This gorgeous button bouquet is primarily red with little highlights of white here and there. It is a festive and gorgeous bouquet that will last forever, and it's perfect for winter.

Gorgeous Burgundy

Burgundy spray roses and blueberry roses pair with beautiful berries to create a rich and gorgeous bouquet that is just stunning for winter. It shows that not every winter wedding element has to be white or sparkling in order to work well.

Cream and Champagne

Of course, tones of ivory and champagne are perfect for winter as well, and few flowers were created more beautiful than the peony and the ranunculus. This one, though simple is just stunning and works very well for a winter wedding.

So, what's your verdict? Which of these is your favorite when it comes to a glorious winter wedding bouquet? Would you opt for the unique red button bouquet or the more common cream and champagne peonies? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!