Gorgeous Pugs and Food for Thought

By Sue15cat

I got this gorgeous card from Mum the other day.
This lovely Pug is so like Suky it's unbelievable.  I wonder if Mum could rustle up a hat for Suky just like this one :-)

It's got pride of place on the kitchen shelves at the moment, I do like having things that make me smile on my shelves, so much better than having to look at a boiling kettle.
I must start properly eating our way through these stores too.  I don't think I've used much out of any of these jars for the last couple of weeks, it's been all veggies and salads.  Maybe a few pasta salads should be included in our Summer repotoire, or a light Summer Soup using some of the lentils.
Lots of food for thought.
Sue xx