Gore Tex Update

By Evette Garside @evette77

As I have just received my kids second lot of Gore Tex shoes for the winter months. I would like to give a little update on the first lot of shoes I received back in September.

You can see the original post here. My kids loved the shoes although Izebellas were a little too big, they just about fit her now so she still has not had all that much use out of her very pretty Primigi boots.

Ryan and Jordanna have been wearing theirs a considerable amount, mainly for playing out after school and this involves rain and mud so both their shoes have been washed too. This is their condition a few months on.

As you can see, both pairs well worn with slight signs of wear to the from of Ryan's and his also seem in need of another wash. Both pairs are still in good condition with plenty of life left in them.

Look out for our new shoe post very soon.

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