GOP Stands Alone In Denying Global Climate Change

Posted on the 29 March 2018 by Jobsanger

Donald Trump doesn't think Global Climate Change (commonly called global warming) is real. He's called it a Chinese hoax, and has even pulled this country out of the Paris Accords (an agreement by the world's countries to reduce/stop global warming). And the congressional Republicans agree with him. Even the few who will admit that it's happening, refuse to believe it's caused by human activity. They are just reflecting the beliefs of their base voters.
But that puts them in opposition to the beliefs of most Americans -- the general public, Independents, and Democrats. They all have substantial majorities that say scientists agree that global warming is real, that global warming is currently happening, and that it is caused by human activity (the overuse or misuse of carbon-based fuels).
It is just one more issue on which the Republicans disagree with the rest of America -- and it is one more reason why they should be voted out of power as soon as possible. Reasonable environmental policies can't be enacted until that happens.
The charts above use information contained in a recent Gallup Poll -- done between March 1st and 8th of a random national sample of 1,041 adults, with a 4 point margin of error.