GOP = Revisionist History/lies, Alternate Reality, Rampant Hypicrisy

Posted on the 17 May 2013 by Doggone
We've now seen that the GOP apparently deliberately issued false versions, revised versions, of the Benghazi emails, as noted by a former Fox News source here. The GOP lied, apparently deliberately. Again.
But it is far from the only time they have done so. All political parties use spin, but that doesn't mean all spin is equally egregiously dishonest.  (Hint - the lie is the top one of the two in the pic below)
From TPM:

Wow, This is Pretty Epic

Josh Marshall May 16, 2013, 7:12 PM Generally, once partisan, tendentious sources leak information that turns out to be wrong, nothing’s ever done about it. That’s for many reasons, some good or somewhat understandable, mostly bad. But on CBS Evening News tonight, Major Garrett did something I don’t feel like I’ve seen in a really long time or maybe ever on a network news cast. He basically said straight out: Republicans told us these were the quotes, that wasn’t true. Quick transcript after the jump …
SCOTT PELLEY: Also at his news conference today the president called for tighter security for U.S. diplomatic facilities to prevent an attack like the one in Benghazi, Libya, last year that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. Of course, Benghazi has become a political controversy. Republicans claim that the Administration watered down the facts in talking points that were given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for television appearances while Mr. Obama was running for reelection. Republicans on Capitol Hill claim that they had found proof of this in White House e-mails that they leaked to reporters last week. Well, it turns out some of the quotes in those e-mails were wrong.
And the right is STILL blocking funding adequate security for the State Dept.  GOP, hypocrisy much?