GOP Proving Alex Jones to Be True

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

We have all been warned by conspiracy theorists of the existence of a “bankster ruling elite.” This story in Breitbart gives credence our suspicions. The following Breitbart article is absolutely chilling. ~ TD 

Breitbart: How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump

by Roger Stone and Ed Martin – 1 Mar 2016

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” – Eric Hoffer

Despite a growing string of victories in the Republican primaries ,the DC-Wall Street cabal that has dominated the GOP since 1988 has no intention of letting the billionaire real estate mogul be nominated. None other than Karl Rove has insisted the stop-Trump effort is not too late and can succeed.

A new superPAC has dumped $10 million dollars into blistering negative TV ads against Trump in the last three days. The Koch brothers and their associates deny funding the effort but they denials are questionable at best. The New York Times reported Sunday that the Rubio and Kasich campaigns are now openly planning on a ‘brokered convention” to stop Trump in the back rooms in Cleveland. The New York Daily News reported that Barbara Bush has vowed revenge against Trump for ending the “low energy” campaign of her son Jeb, the anointed one and that the Bush clan is all-in in the effort to stop Trump. The News reported that Jeb may transfer the $25 to $30 million in SuperPAC funds he has left to an anti-Trump effort…

And it gets much worse! Read the whole BLOCKBUSTER article at