All recent polls have shown that the public is still extremely unhappy with the job (or lack of it) that Congress is currently doing. A plurality of Americans (45%) believe this Congress is getting even less done than previous Congresses, and another 24% believe this Congress is just as bad as recent Congresses. Only 5% believes this Congress is actually accomplishing more than usual.
Those are terrible numbers for Congress. So, who does the public think is to blame for the dysfunctional 115th Congress. A plurality of 44% blame just the Republicans, while only 11% blame just the Democrats. About 40% blame both parties equally. To put it another way, about 84% blame the Republicans either wholly or partially, while 51% blame the Democrats either wholly or partially.
Some have said the 2018 election could be a "wave" election -- an election that flips control of one or both houses of Congress. These numbers would tend to support that belief.
The charts were made from information in a new Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between September 3rd and 5th of a random national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,309 registered voters), with a 3 point margin of error.