GOP At Odds With Public On Who Needs Government Help

Posted on the 18 February 2014 by Jobsanger

The Republicans are adamant about continuing their "trickle-down" economic policy -- a policy that says the cure for the economy is to give more government help to corporations (and the rich), and to cut government help for the poor (and unemployed). There are two things wrong with that. First, the corporations (and the rich) are making record-breaking amounts of money, and need no help from the government. Second, that is the same policy that got us into our current economic mess (causing a severe recession, massive unemployment, a falling median wage, growing poverty, and a disappearing middle class).
We need to change that failed policy, but the only way to do that is to vote the GOP out of power (so they won't be able to obstruct efforts to fix the economy and create jobs). Fortunately, the American people seem to know that. This YouGov Poll (done on February 6th and 7th of a nationwide sample of 1,000 adults, with a margin of error of 3.8 points) shows that a clear majority of Americans believe the government helps corporations more than the poor who need help. And a clear majority also believes that is the opposite of what the government should be doing -- that the government should help the poor, and not the corporations.
The Republicans can continue down their current path of helping only the rich, but they do so at their own peril. It is not what the public wants.
NOTE -- Most Americans also believe corporate executive pay is too high.