Google To Unify Messaging with Google Babble?

Posted on the 19 March 2013 by Techdrink @techdrink1
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Both and Gizmodo are reporting that Google are looking to unify messaging right across their properties with a new, built from the ground up system – which can only be good news for serial users of Google Chat, Google+, Google Drive and, of course, Android users.

As it stands, as Gizmodo point out, the messaging option across Google are “a bit of a mess”. Google Chat is a very nice, lightweight messaging system, but you’ve also got Hangouts, G+ messenger and Drive chat. Should Google combine all these, keeping the best features of each of course, into one single system that works on mobile and desktop within whatever property you’re using it would be phenomenal.

According to Geek, that’s exactly what Google Babble, as it is apparently known, is going to do – as well as the cloud, iOS and BlackBerry too. While there’s no launch date in sight it is rumoured that Babble will at least be unveiled in part at this year’s Google I/O event.

As a regular user of Gmail, Gchat, G+, Google Calendar and Google Drive this can’t come soon enough. I’m also quite fond of the name…

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Ben Greenwood

Ben is the founder and editor of TechDrink. A huge fan of technology and social media, he has been blogging on those and many other subjects for well over five years. You can follow him in many places, including Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

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