Google’s Alphabet Fires Up .Com/.Net Registrations Too Including Some of Google’s

Posted on the 11 August 2015 by Worldwide @thedomains

As we noted earlier today over 6,000 .XYZ new gTLD domain names were registered yesterday,  after Google Inc. announced it’s holding company Alphabet Inc., using the domain name ABC.XYZ.

It is interesting though, as Mike pointed out that of the 6,000 newly registered .xyz domains registered yesterday hundreds of them related to ABC, Alphabet and XYZ.

I wanted to compare that to .com / .net domain registrations relating to those three terms.

The “Alphabet” term ranked the highest, followed by ABC and then XYZ according to Verisign, the registry for .com and .net domain names

There isn’t a way to show exact numbers that would relate specifically to the Google announcement, but in general, you can see the chart spikes that would relate as the news broke. In total, 861 .com domains were registered with 81 .net domains including at least one of the three mentioned keywords.

Google Inc. registered some .com and .net domain names as well., and were all registered yesterday under the domain name registrar MarkMonitor.

Interesting to note, and were registered Monday, August 10, 2015 8:00:30 PM which was about 4 hours AFTER the public announcement.

Google Inc. applied for 101 new gTLD’s itself aunder the name Charleston Road Registry Inc.

Of the 101,  Google applied for 43 have been withdrawn, including most of the generic new gTLD’s that were settled by private auctions or public ICANN auctions with the exception of .App which Google paid $25 Million for.

The following are the 42 new gTLD’s that we do know that Google owns since they have been delegated:


There are a few other gTLD’s like .music that Google are still in contention for.