Google Responsive Search Ads Are Coming Soon to You

Posted on the 23 August 2018 by Anand Rao @ananya_seo

After the machine learning driven ad creations in Google Ads, such as dynamic search ads, automated ad suggestions, now comes responsive search ads. This new ad is in beta and not available to all PPC advertisers.

If you want to be savvy and take advantage of all the opportunities provided by Responsive Search Ads, you will want to read on and watch out for when it becomes available to you.

The core concept is that you set up one ad with multiple headlines and a couple of descriptions. Google Ads will start testing combinations dynamically, learn from the performance, and serve the combination most likely to achieve the best performance.

To motivate advertisers to try out the new ad, Responsive Search Ads comes with more text space than expanded text ads.
• Display up to three headlines instead of two.
• Display up to two 90-character descriptions instead of one 80-character description.

You can set up as many as 15 headlines and four descriptions for a single responsive search ad. Google Ads will automatically show different combinations depending on the search query. Headlines and descriptions may appear in any order.

The extra lines and automated order mean you need to think through all the various combinations possible.
If you have text that should appear in every ad, then you must pin it to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1. Pinning one headline or description causes it to show only in that specific position, thus preventing other headlines or descriptions from showing in its place. This reduces the combinations that can be tested. Hence you can pin 2 or 3 headlines or descriptions to each position.

Since August 2017, there have been only two options for Ad rotation: “Optimize: Prefer best performing ads” and the “Do not optimize: Rotate ads indefinitely.” With responsive search ad, Google is pushing all PPC Managers to give up manual A/B testing and rely on machine learning capabilities of Google.

RSA is available to select advertisers in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Polish, Turkish, Danish, and Norwegian, with other languages coming in future.

Currently advertisers will only be able to add responsive search ads to ad groups with existing ads. You can find more details on the Google AdWords support page.

Responsive search ads can help you:

• Create flexible ads that adapt to device widths, giving you more room to share your message with potential customers.
• Save time by providing multiple headline and description options, then let Google Ads show the most relevant combinations to your customers.
• Reach more potential customers with multiple headline and description options that give your ads the opportunity to compete in more auctions and match more queries.
• Increase ad group performance by attracting additional clicks and conversions that your existing text ads aren’t capturing, since responsive search ads help you compete in more auctions.

Reporting on the performance of your responsive search ads

You can see the same performance metrics for each responsive search ad that you see for your other text ads. Statistics show totals for all of the ad combinations that were shown using the headlines and descriptions you entered for each responsive search ad.
Go to Ads & extensions, add a filter “Responsive search ad”, and download the report.

Call Ananya SEO Services to discuss your PPC Advertising requirement.