Pump Up Your Google Plus, and your SEO Will Be Stronger!
And then Pinterest made analytics changes. And then Twitter made analytics changes. And then we wanted to help you know how Facebook's News Feed changes could actually benefit you rather than just being a pain in the patootie.
I tell you, some weeks, social media really does move that fast! (It's a good reason for outsourcing your social media strategy services, incidentally, unless you really do have time to follow the latest changes in addition to doing your regular paying work.)
But we haven't forgotten our promise of more information on how to use Google Plus for SEO-boosting power!
If you're still holding out on Google Plus, let's give you a little piece of information that should help you understand that it's not a little sideshow of a social media platform.
Google Plus has over 250 million users. I don't know about you, but that makes it seem pretty dang worthwhile to learn to love Google+ to me!Google Plus and SEO – Tips to Pump Them Up!
1.Post often for maximum Google Plus SEO benefit For the maximum benefit from your Google Plus page (personal and business), you need to be posting often – at least daily, and at least a couple of times per day. Make sure your content is related to your niche, of course, and that it's quality content as well. (Really, you aren't publishing cruddy content anywhere, are you?) But the algorithm put together by the Google team does take into consideration how often you post, especially from your Google+ activity, and ranks your blog content accordingly based, in part, on your Google+ activity. Need I say more about the importance of posting great, relative content regularly?2.Set up Google Authorship
This one is so important – and has so many connected steps - that it probably deserves its own blog post. (In fact – leave us a comment if you'd like to see a step by step post on how to set up Google authorship.) Google Authorship is how you tell Google that your site and your Google Plus profile are connected. It's super important for the humans searching for content like yours – with your picture next to an article, they're more likely to click through to your content. It also increases your authority to Google, pushing your content higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).
3.Use Google Events to connect with your whole audience
As we are fond of saying, if it's owned by Google, you should probably be using it. Okay, I made that up – but we've told you lots of things along those lines. If there's a Google-owned service that has public updates, those updates benefit your SEO. It's as simple as that. Google Events is one such service. It actually lets you invite people beyond your Google Plus connections. However, if it's an event that ties in to your content, your product or your service, you definitely want to include it on Google Events, and not just on Facebook, even if the majority of your audience is on Facebook. There's SEO benefit to be found by including your event on Google Events, I tell you!
What is your biggest challenge with Google Plus and (or) your SEO? Leave us a comment below, would you?