Google Penguin2.0 Released with Mixed Bag of Responses

Posted on the 26 May 2013 by Mohammadatif @hitechmca
Well the suspense is out at last, with the fourth edition of Google Penguin coming to the fore after 6 months of sabbatical. Mr. Matt Cutts refers this update as Penguin 2.0, and it has resulted into mixed bags of responses from website owners across the world.
Released on the afternoon of May22, 2013, loads of search engine pundits have already come up with oodles of reports regarding the biggest winners and losers post this fresh revelation. For instance, Searchengineland gives an insight into the data fetched by SearchMetrics, a SEO software company. The data projects the sites related to games, traveling and sleaze, etc., as the major losers, prominent of which include dish, cheapoair, salvationarmy, xhamster, dailydot, and so on.
Abiding by the statement of Matt Cutts on his blog, Penguin 2.0 has affected websites in different languages depending on the webspam they contain, i.e. languages having greater quantity of webspam are believed to be more affected by the update. In this context, 2.3 percent of English-us queries have observed noticeable fall. It is however too early to declare the exact aftereffect of the Penguin edition over the web, since it has still been only few days to its release as of now. However, Google doesn't deny the possibility of any flaw on the change and hence asks the online users to report about any spam site that still rank high on the search results despite release of Penguin 2.0. The Penguin Spam Report form serves this very purpose and asks the users to furnish information as below:
  1. URL of the spam site
  2. Google search result URL that demonstrates the problem
  3. Any additional information about this spam result
So if you too find any spam site giving your website a tough competition on Google, you can fill up and submit this form, and leave all to the Mr. Matt Cutts, hope he does the justice to the needful. J The earlier Penguin dates are as follows:
  1. Penguin 1 - April 24, 2012
  2. Penguin 2 - May 24, 2012
  3. Penguin 3 - October 5, 2012
