Google Panda 4.2 Update: What's Inside

Posted on the 05 February 2016 by Master Adviser - Share Ideas : @masteradviser

Inside Google's recent Panda algorithm update from SEO point of view

Panda Algorithm measures quality of a website. It works as a filter and prevents low quality websites to rank high in search result pages. Google has recently updated its Panda algorithm 4.2 after returning from Holidays. What's the update will affect now? We try to describe in short spell as below:

Google's Panda Is Now Affect Website Rankings

It's now a part of core ranking signal of a search result. It renders well maintained site links as a key factor too. This is a slow process and take months. You might not notice dramatic changes in your ranking like they did earlier though. We have to wait and see action when they will release the major update is about to comein 2016.
Sites Having Valid Structured Data Is Preferred

As Webmaster John Mueller mentioned in a hangout that websites having valid HTML tag is preferred. It easily indexes your site contents. Sometime crawler doesn't understand a page having broken structured data and returns blank results. But Google is quite able to handle such errors now.
It Removes Sites Having Thin Content

Google's new update will remove websites having thin content from it's search result now.
  • Those sites basically built on autopilot mode via rss, 
  • Has scrap contents, 
  • Doorway pages (i.e. the pages created for spamming index of a search engine with a particular keyword or phrase to redirect visitors to different page), 
  • Low quality posts or guest posts

If your site has many good contents and a few low quality or thin content pages then they will drop those pages only. Webmaster John Mueller advises removing those pages though. 

Block Hacked Content Showing up in Result Page

They made this changes in their hacking algorithm but this is not successful though. It's a flop show right now as more results are displayed.

Images Not Re-Indexed Frequently

They say as images are not getting changed or updated regularly, the new algorithm will not re-index them on regular basis. Images will be rendered in an interval of a period.
Title Tag Is Crucial Signal for Rankings
The Title tag of a site is now a crucial signal for ranking of a website. You must mention proper title tag that relates content of your website.

Google Likes Short URLs

The new update prefers URL having less than 2000 characters in it. They say, if you have a shorter one and longer one they picks up shorter one.
Watch what exactly Google Webmaster John Mueller said in a Hangout
