Google Page Experience Factor: How to Upgrade Your Website’s UI to Rank On Google Search

Posted on the 13 September 2021 by Jitender Sharma

Online domains are more than merely a set of related and interconnected pages. Instead, they are interfaces – spaces where various things, such as an individual, a brand, or an organization’s online presence – meet, interact, and in the process affect one another. Through this interplay, experiences are created for users, typically intending to encourage specific actions from visitors and attract a greater volume of inbound web traffic.

However, the question is, how can you upgrade and leverage the user interface of your website to meet the standards of the Google Page Experience and achieve higher rankings on its search engine results pages or SERPs? The answer is much simpler than you might think, and we’ll explore some helpful tips that should get you the desired outcome. Continue reading to learn more.

Optimize the user interface for mobile

Browsing through a website using a mobile device is different from a desktop computer or laptop. After all, beyond the smaller size of smartphones and tablets, they rely primarily on touchscreen controls instead of a traditional keyboard and mouse. Now that more mobile users are browsing the World Wide Web than those on conventional computers, Google has noticed and considers it a crucial ranking factor.

Due to this, it makes sense to optimize the user interface of your Web pages for mobile devices. Of course, doing so won’t just allow you to engage a sizable market. But it will also help your rankings on the search results and help you draw in more visitors to your site.

Ensure that your website loads quickly

One of Google’s new core vitals, largest contentful paint or LCP for short, refers to measuring a website’s loading performance. Anything above a couple of seconds is considered poor and will likely result in lower rankings. Conversely, if your Web pages load quickly, it has a greater chance of elevating its search results rank. Therefore, you’ll want to ensure that your online domain comes up faster instead of slowly.

For starters, you can optimize your website’s images. The higher their quality, the more time they’ll take to load. However, you don’t necessarily need to compromise it to speed things up. By using the jpeg format whenever possible, cropping the pictures to eliminate any unnecessary elements, and resizing them, you can get your website to load quicker than it otherwise would have fully. It may even improve the way it looks too.

You can also reduce CSS and JavaScript use, leverage a content delivery network or CDN, and enable caching. Finally, if all else fails, try to look for a better hosting platform as the one you’re currently in may not be adequate to get you the results you want. 

Acquire survey campaign management solutions

An excellent UI aims to engage people, and who better to get information from than the Internet users themselves. For this reason, it may be worth the resources to hire survey campaign management services. When all’s said and done, the information you can obtain from users may enable you to build a user interface that will keep your visitors more engaged. 

For example, it could give you a better idea of making the layout easier to navigate and enable them to interact with the site quicker. Apart from helping users find their desired information, it also allows you to adhere to another core tenet of the page experience, the FID or first input delay.

Anticipate mistakes that could affect your Google Page Experience

Let’s face it – everyone makes mistakes. No matter how carefully planned or designed your website is, there’s a good chance that there are details that will be overlooked or technical problems that were missed, and it would be foolish to think otherwise. So instead, learn to anticipate any mistakes and plan for immediate contingencies. The key is to make fast adjustments so that any issues on your page experience so that there is no long-lasting impact on the website’s ranking.

Measure the results

Contrary to popular belief, the development of a website doesn’t stop at its creation. In reality, it’s a long process that involves constant tweaking and changes. However, you won’t know what adjustments and modifications you’ll need to make to your user interface if you don’t measure the results. From checking the bounce rate and your search result rankings to analyzing the traffic sources and staying on top of other metrics, monitoring your KPIs or key performance indicators will help you upgrade your UI effectively.


The user interface of a website plays an integral role in the engagement of visitors and how it ranks more than it’s given credit for. Because of this, the UI must be as pleasing to the eye as it is functional and easy to navigate. With these tips recommended by a digital marketing agency, you’ll get your website’s UI sorted and enable it to elevate its online ranking.