Google+ is It the New Facebook?

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101

The social networks have grown over the past few years and now Google have offered up their option on a big silver plate with extra side orders... GOOGLE+

And before any of you start, we have to look at the facts and the way we use the Internet for communication.

The new system by google is not the most original but still it is good, the layout and the features are easy to use and are great resources when you are just using the Internet,
The easy interaction and log in with your Google account means a better service than the Facebook log in and the Google security system is easy to understand and navigate unlike the Facebook options...

Facebook has change recently and I have found the new system less focused on simplicity and more like an excuse to fill space with "stuff", so for me Google+ is just that bit better but I will still be keeping the Facebook account for now though...
Also one thing that i have realised is the freedom of the google system as at many educational establishments facebook is banned and this is due to filters in place but these filters should not block google+ or google will not work, so for all the students that are looking for a alternative to facebook sign up to google+ today...

<p>In my view I find that google+ is going to improve the way we all communicate and it will improve the way we search the internet and how we can use the internet in our everyday lives, it is just that bit better than facebook, but it will be the internet community that will decide who wins the war of the social networks...
<p>What do you think of google+ is it better than facebook?
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