Google Brings The Right To Be Forgotten to The U.S.

Posted on the 16 July 2016 by Worldwide @thedomains

We started back in May of 2014 discussing the right to be forgotten. Back in in 2014, A European court, in an important test of the “right to be forgotten,” that Google must amend some of its search results at the request of ordinary people when they show links to outdated, irrelevant information.

We covered 5 more stories about different demands from different European countries.

Now the right to be forgotten is coming to the U.S. Evan Shuman wrote an excellent piece over at that details the good and the bad. He also takes a look at what the slippery slope could look like down the road when more and more people send Google a takedown request.

From the article:

If you are worried about your online privacy, it might be of interest to you that Google has quietly brought its Google forget program to the U.S. It has made it quite simple, for the most part. Simply go to to see the history of your searches, YouTube viewing and everything else you do on Google platforms, and then be guided through the process of trimming that history.

I have looked at the myactivity page and it’s crazy seeing everything you ever watched on You Tube or searched on Google.