Thanks to the strong team-work protests of the online giant’s, we managed to bring down the terrible SOPA and ACTA bills, at least for some time. But, many governments around the world are still trying to censor the web to gain control of the Internet freedom and take away people’s right of free speech.
There’s a special ITU (International Telecommunication Union) meeting happening in this December to talk about increasing censorship and regulate the Internet. Sadly people doesn’t have a chance to speak their rights here because only governments can speak at the ITU. As you may imagine, that wouldn’t go so well for us.
Google has now stepped forward to stop this from happening and keep the Internet free and open for everyone in this world. And, you can support them by letting out your voice. Tell the world’s governments to keep the internet free and open, the way it belongs to be.
Internet is a place where anyone can speak their mind freely without any obligations. It’s a place where everyone expresses their true self and embrace freedom of speech. It needs to be kept that way. Lets speak for our rights and freedom, keep the Internet open.
Watch the video for more details. Head over to Google’s Take Action webpage to pledge your support.
(All the images, trademarks, logo’s shown on this post are the property of their respective owners)
Roshan Jerad Perera