Google and Motorola Are Developing New Motorola X Smartphone

Posted on the 20 January 2013 by Gunsirit @gunsirit

Google and Motorola are developing new Motorola X smartphone

It has been seven months since Google bought Motorola for US$12.5 billion and rumours are looming over the horizon that the company is in the midst of producing  a top smartphone and a tablet on the market which until now remained unnamed and only identified as the “X Phone” and “X Tablet“.

Talks on DroidForums revealed extensive rumours that both Google and Motorola are developing the Motorola X and will be unveiled in the middle of May at Google’s Developer Conference 2013. However, these are only rumours and should be treated cautiously.

The device is said to be a 5-inch  and almost border less similar to its predecessor the Motorola DROID RAZR. It is running Android 5.0, Key Lime Pie but will not resemble the specifications of Google’s Nexus smartphone.

A German tech website, also reported that the new smartphone will also be equipped with a new user interface that could easily distinguish it as a Motorola brand besides other standard Android apps.

Unfortunately, there are no news about other specs such as the processor, camera and memory but my guess is that these could be leaked before the launch in May.

[Source: | Image credit: pocket-lint ]

Google and Motorola are developing new Motorola X smartphone