Goodbye, Microsoft! My Next Chapter

By Trendytechie @theTrendyTechie

For the last four years Microsoft has been my world, my launchpad, and my home. When I first started, I was an eager young university student developing Windows 8.1 apps, and Trendy Techie was still mostly a fashion blog. My mentors and experiences at Microsoft helped to craft me into the person I am today, and gave me the confidence to take these next steps. Today is my last day at Microsoft, and tomorrow I start my next chapter as an independent technologist.

This is the hardest right decision I’ve ever had to make. During my time at Microsoft I had incredible opportunities and worked with amazing people to make real impact on developers in Canada, the US, and around the world. I am so grateful to my Microsoft family for everything we’ve shared over the last four years; to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of working with and meeting through my various roles at Microsoft, thank you. To the incredible minds who took the time to mentor and guide me, thank you, you have no idea how much you changed my life. And to the students, current and graduated, who attended my talks, shared your passion projects, and stayed up all night coding with me at hackathons, thank you, I wish you many more successes.

In my next steps I will taking the leap out of the corporate world! I’ll be leading the development of a new Blockchain developer curriculum for Lighthouse Labs, to be launched this spring, and will be diving head first into the world of entrepreneurship at the Next 36, where I will be launching a venture with my talented co-founders in the next few months. These two opportunities came to me at the perfect time, and I could not be more excited about what’s ahead. I truly believe that Blockchain will be the underlying technology of the future, and I’m excited to be a part of its education and innovation while the technology is still in its early days.

Going forward I will of course be sharing the journey here on Trendy Techie and on Instagram/Twitter. I’ve never taken on something quite so big before, so get ready to see lots of messy desks, late night livestreams, cold coffee, and Solidity code! Let’s continue on this journey together, learn and teach and learn again, and build a better future.

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