Goodbye India, Hello England!

By Englishwifeindianlife

It’s been an emotional year, in so many ways! I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has followed my blog and sent me messages of support, I cannot find the words to express my gratitude! Thank you! I couldn’t call this year easy, living in India as a foreigner takes a lot of getting used to, but it’s been worth it because I was with the man I love. As I wait to leave India for six weeks, I feel an overwhelming spectrum of emotions. I am a sensitive person on a regular day, so today my emotions are on uberhypersuperdrive. I feel sad to leave my husband and Alfonso, excited to see my family and friends, I am dreading the journey itself, I am anxious about a multitude of things and I am happy that I have lived here a year, proved people wrong and not given up. I have numbed to the culture shocks and I don’t get as angry when I’m followed by strangers because of the color of my skin. I have found precious strength in faith, I have discovered a certain degree of understand but the living in a joint family and therefore being unable to [...]