Goodbye FilmStruck!

Posted on the 27 October 2018 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Sad news broke yesterday that streaming service FilmStruck would be closing at the end of November. On the 29th November 2018 to be exact, I am rather shocked about this news as a few days ago I received an email informing me of which films were going to be added to the UK version for November.

The service has always offered high quality and well-regarded films from the Criterion Collection and TCM. All of which are not easily available in the UK, it is such a huge blow for classic film screening. As much as I love the services offered by Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, FilmStruck offered something a little different. You don't have to spend as much time searching for a film that will be outstanding on FilmStruck, Netflix and Amazon while finding a hidden gem, I have also watched some awful films on them.

So I guess this gives me around a month to try to get through some of the films on my watch list. Some of which you can see in the above picture. I hope that this announcement will then actually force me to do just that and get some of these films watched for the first time, or revisiting them. I really do feel sad about this closure especially with it seemly coming out of nowhere, I probably wouldn't have thought as much about it if I had not received that email a few days ago though.

Did you use FilmStruck?

If so how do you feel about the closure of the streaming service? Or is it now a service you wished you had the opportunity to try out?