Next month, this humble little blog will celebrate its first anniversary. (Woo-hoo!) The coolest thing about this milestone is that I never really thought I’d get here. A year ago, I had no clue if I could write about my caking adventures in a way that would connect with readers. More than that, while my now defunct baking biz always received rave reviews, I was unsure if my baking was ready to share with the world.
But, you have embraced and encouraged me every step of the way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am still blown away by each and every e-mail and comment that I receive. And I still do a little happy dance every time that I make it onto Photograzing or someone pins one of my creations on Pinterest.
I also did a little happy dance when at350degrees, a fellow blogger, kindly nominated me for the Inspiring Blog Award. Thank you so very much! I am truly honored to receive this award. I am so very thankful to have supporters who share my love of baking.
Award Rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Nominate 15 other bloggers that you admire or inspire you.
- Go leave a comment and let the people know you have nominated them.
Seven (Random) Things About Me:
1) When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming either a soap opera actress or a teacher. (I am neither.)
2) While I’m a heck of baker, I’m not so hot at cooking real food.
3) A couple of months ago, I set off the smoke detector while I was boiling pasta in hot water. (See #2, above.)
4) I write just like I talk in real life. I frequently use uncommon words/phrases, such as “yikes,” “no biggie,” “happy dance,” “easy peasy,” “baloney,” or “dilly-dally.”
5) I fervently believe that the Foo Fighters are the best band ever.
6) I don’t have cable TV. If I did, I would watch the Food Network, 24/7.
7) Although my apartment building has a laundry room, I prefer to go to the Laundromat, which is a couple of blocks away. It has a giant flat screen TV that always has on the Food Network. (See #6, above.)
Fifteen Bloggers Who I Admire or Who Inspire Me:
Domestic Diva, MD, corkandspoon, At Home for Dinner, Made by Mike, $35 a Week, Frugal Feeding, A Lot on Your Plate, Super Generic Girl, annashortcakes, Mydearbakes, The Hungry Mum, A Village Pantry, A Kitty and Her Cakes, susandalzell, and Pretty Baking by Ger. Congratulations!
I guess the best way to say it is that, over the past year, I’ve grown. My little blog has developed (and is still developing) its own voice. I think it’s time that, visually, this blog align with its voice. So, kids, here’s the big reveal—the new face of Adventures of a Cake Diva. I like it, a lot. I hope you do, too.