Good Site on Russia

Posted on the 12 April 2014 by Calvinthedog

Voices from Russia.

A very odd mix. Supports the following:

The Russian Orthodox Church (Church)

Regional Communist Parties (Party)

Legacy of the USSR, especially Stalin (Stalin)

Tsarism (Tsar)

Church – Communist Party – Stalinism – Czar, what an odd mix.

Lot of really great updates on the latest from the US-EU neo-Nazi fascist junta in the Ukraine.

For instance, recently, they are rampaging all over the Ukraine burning down the local offices of the Ukrainian Communist Party (KPU). The KPU has not been relevant since 1990. Of course attacks on the Communists and other members of the Left (the socialists, the trade unionists) are the first hallmarks of a fascist regime. Recall that Hitler went after his enemies in this fashion:

1. Communists

2. Socialists

3. Trade unionists

4. Jews!

Jews were in 4th place. Hitler hated Communists way more than he hated Jews. Most people do not realize that. Anyway a lot of the Jew-hatred was tied up in Commie-hatred as Hitler believed that Jews were all Communists.