Good Morning Lovelies

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Happy hump day morning friends.

My leave of blogging absence is finally over and I’m ready to share every measly aspect of my extra-ordinary life with you. I know you’ve missed all my explicit details.

This is the black berry muffin I’ve been stealing bites from all morning. It’s not mine and I didn’t ask permission…

I don’t think my dad will notice…

Snappie Fitness

Working out at Snap Fitness couldn’t be going any better. I love that I can go whenever I want because I find myself working out at 10pm most evenings. It’s just what works for me.

I’m also loving their EasyFit program. It’s basically a special pedometer that changes your calories burned into a point value. My goal is between 30-50 points a day. Wearing the little EasyFit has already increased my activity throughout the day so much because I can see how active I’ve been.

I’m taking my iPhone to the gym tonight to get loads of sneaky covert. Op. type pictures for you. Don’t underestimate me. I’m especially good at taking iPhone pics and making it look like I’m doing something else. It’s a gift…

So what could be better than a new gym membership in March???

A new white iPad in march.

Ahahahahaaaa. Do the happy dance.

I’m writing this blog post using the blogsy app on my new iPad and I have to say so far it’s mint! So easy to use and now I’ll be able to post so much more because I can have access to Internet at work. Love it!!

I’ll let you know after I use it a few more times, if it’s worth the 5 dollars in the app store.

Tell me about you!!! I want to know…

Do you buy random gifts for yourself for no reason?


What is your most favorite shirt that you own?

My gap perfect tee. Oh. So. Soft.