If you are like me, none of these candidates is very comforting
I immediately recognize 3 who are likely to reach for dictatorial power. The only one who might not, Cruz the Constitutional conservative, is dogged with accusations of sexual misconduct and puppet strings to shadowy banksters.
Trump, the one who isn’t (at least he says so) obligated to financial puppeteers has been on both sides of many of our moral and political battles. Will he really keep his promises to the Christians when the winds blow hard?
Hillary claims to have the most foreign policy experience and knowledge of the playing field. And I think she’s right. But she fails to mention the fact that most of her experience has been in the art of selling out American interests. And don’t even start me on Benghazi and her friendly connection to the mother of all the jihad movements, the Muslim Brotherhood.
And Bernie… Ah, Bernie. I struggle with giving 10% to the church. But if Bernie has his way, all I’ll be left with after taxes is 10%. Somebody please tell me how anybody can live on that. Do we have a testimony from somebody in Venezuela or Cuba about the earthly paradise that awaits us?
And so, I despair
But wait! These people are not the only players on the field!
The Lord has a plan that rules over all the affairs of humanity. Seek Him, trust Him, get right with Him, and He will change everything.
Many seek the ruler’s favor, But justice for man comes from the LORD.
– Proverbs 29:26“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
– Psalm 46:10
We can “let go” our white knuckled grip on the steering wheel, and be assured that the Lord Jesus Christ “will be exhalted among the nations,” He “will be exalted in the earth.” He is not afraid of the Illuminati, or FreeMasons, or the “New World Order,” or ISIS, or race war, the anti-christ, or earth quakes, tsunamis, or super volcanos.
Instead, He tells us…
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
– Jeremiah 29:11
Let go…
and know