Good Gift for Royal Baby Boy

Posted on the 22 July 2013 by Thewritefuture @thewritefuture

I'm such a royalty lover and news addict that is it a miracle it took 10 hours before I found out Princess Kate was in labor (she had actually given birth of a son already...). I blame it on work and I'm slightly annoyed I missed so many hours of watching desperate news presenters reporting on "no news" and the interviews with (all the many!) people waiting outside St Mary's Hospital at least twice. But I am well prepared: I have spent some time over the last weeks to find the best Royal Baby gadgets and I have done in-depth research on the best, nicest, most sustainable present for the baby! I have spent at least as much hours on it as Kate on the delivery and can assure that the best present for the royal baby boy, by far, is a gift from Unicef. And, to be honest, I think Kate and William will possibly be most happy with a Unicef Inspired Gift like giving "a birth" (all of the midwifery equipment necessary for the safe delivery of one baby, £23,50) or blankets for 5 babies (£15) instead of 30 million t-shirts or more silver spoons needed to feed the entire royal household. And if we all do this, the birth of this future King, will also give a better future to other children in the world!