Good for Old Ginsberg - and I Do Mean *old*!

By Davidduff

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is old, very old - er, well, perhaps not that old because at 80 she's only six years older than me, and you all know that I still have all my marbles when I can remember where I left them. 

Anyway, according to Yahoo News, 'Babe Ruth' has let it be known that she has absolutely no intention of retiring from the Supreme Court which has caused one or three Obama apparatchiks to grind their teeth in frustration.  It is essential, as they see it, for one or better still, two, of the older judges to retire so that their places can be clinched with suitably Left-wing candidates chosen by a Left-wing president.  But the old dame is not for retiring and so I wish her well, er, up until a Republican wins the presidency in which case I may put her name out to a contract hitman!