Gone Wild... for a While! (Outfit)

By Themowway @themowway

Outfit I wore the same day as Nino wore this (his first outfit post ever!)
We were both wearing such bright colours!
You can see his pants in the reflection of my his sunnies (which I am always wearing..)

Rooftop shots are always the easiest, especially when time is tight, but it does bother me that some photos come out a big orangey due to the backgreound and the floor. Not that you can really notice, but I know and that's enough :)

Have I ever told you.... I love my Litas?
I am on the hunt of a new pair of laces, any ideas?

I like how these earing simply don't match the outfit, giving it personality and uniqness.
I woudl wear them every single day!

Hope you've had a lovely week and finish it even better!
What I Wore: T-shirt: Bershka (Gifted) 
Shorts: Suite Blanco (previously seen here and here)
Rayben lookalike Sunnies: Suite Blanco
Earings: Vintage
Booties: Jeffrey Campbell Lita in Black Velvet 

Completely unrelated topics:

♥ I've missed writting these unrelated topics, things I like, so here we go!♥ I've been overwhelmed by all your lovely comments, tweets and emails regarding my last post about how blogging has made so much for me. I am so glad you liked it!♥ I am very dissapointed... I snatched a pair of Jeffrey Campbel Zomg's on super sale bit my size was WAY to small and a size bigger was way to large. (Excitement photo on Instagram here) I really wanted those flatforms... any idea where I can get a similar pair?♥ I am loving this DIY Louis Vuitton handbag by Make my Lamonade!♥ Darling Jamie from Just Stuff for Fun did this sponsor post featuring me along with other lovely bloggers. ♥ I have to try this yummy Sweet Platains and yuca stew by OhDearDrea.♥ Marielle from Magical Day Dream has handpainted these skateboards.♥ A little shoeporn: I need these babies and these other ones to live....♥ I've been listening to Beasty Boys - Body movin'.♥ Loving this sitting room decor, considering seting up a long and narrow shelf like this one!

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