Gone, but Not Forgotten...

By Seamssewcreative
Apparently having a second baby means all time you have for anything other than babies goes bye bye! As you can see by my nearly one year hiatus, it has taken me about 10 months to get my grove back. Finally, both kiddos are taking a nice nap in the afternoon, which means I have been able to slowly get back to working on a few projects here and there.
While I can't promise posing with any regularity, I can say that I'm back to it. In the past year I've missed posting, missed writing down what I'm working on, missed chronicling things that I'm doing, and missed the little extra motivation to get things done. 
Also, as major motivation, I've discovered Pinterest and Instagram, to both of which I am thoroughly addicted.
So here we go, again :)
Happy sewing!