Golden Vlog | December 2015

By Everemma

I say this every year, but man oh man this year flew by! I have really enjoy 2015 and I have to say it has been my best year yet. I've taken more chances, really started listening to my inner voice and have found myself some contentment. I feel like I'm finally on the right path for my journey and I'm so excited to see what 2016 will bring!
I've been playing with this new editing app on my phone, but I'm noticing that it lowers the quality of my video. It also limits me to less that five minutes so this is a little (ok a lot) choppy. I like the Santa though, so I'll do it differently in 2016!

December's Questions:-What did you do for Thanksgiving this year?-What are your plans for Christmas?-What is your favorite holiday treat or meal?-What is on your wish list this year?-What's the best gift you have ever received?- Do you put up a Christmas tree or decorate? Do you wait till after thanksgiving or do it before?- What's your favorite Christmas song?- Must see Christmas movies? - What are some favorite traditions that you and your family have? - Best christmas memory ever?Follow