Golden Gate

By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound

Wearing:// Top: Urban Outfitters (old), Pants: J Crew, Scarf: Local boutique (UO Watercolor Square Scarf), Sunnies: Wildfox Couture 

     As someone who grew up watching Full House, seeing the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time was something else. The photographer in me was itching to snap thousands of photos and the observant-type in me was just in awe of the structure itself. In addition to just watching all of the cars pass and the current of the sea, driving around to find the perfect perspective was another experience. (Hint: they were all beautiful views!! just explore) These photos kind of tell the whole story-- it was unbelievably windy and I was rather cold, but loving everything. I nearly lost my floral scarf, but I successfully held it down and was cheesin' for these pictures. I guess #DoitfortheGram would be relevant right now? It's late and I'm tired, so sorry if nothing I have written has made any sense. 

     I'm going to get some sleep before an early morning yoga class tomorrow. I seriously can't believe my spring break is coming to an end...senior spring, here I come! Hope you guys are having a great week. xoxo Isabelle 
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