Going Off The Grid

Posted on the 11 April 2016 by Krickeyb
Photo Credit: Giphy.com

Ten days until David and I are off to Hawaii to be married… TEN DAYS! I can hardly believe that this time last year, I was told my trip to Australia was cancelled because of my surgeries. I am blessed to be alive and packing for a trip to Hawaii for a destination wedding with the love of my life.

I wanted to take this time to inform you all that while in Hawaii, I will be “going off the grid.” I may post a picture here and there, but for the majority of the time, I will be avoiding the internet. We would like to decompress, relax, and spend time with family and friends.

With that being said, I will not be blogging or super interactive on social media. We will not be gone for too long, though! I appreciate all of you following me and being patient with me during this busy, but wonderful, time in my life. Your likes, comments, and views do not go unnoticed, EVER! So, thank you!

I will be back in May for more blogging, podcasts, and fun! Have a wonderful April and chat with you all soon!


KB (soon-to-be KC)