Gohmert Not Doing Well In Race For Attorney General

Posted on the 17 February 2022 by Jobsanger
 I have several times in this blog referred to Louie Gohmert (pictured) as the dumbest person in the United States Congress. It looks like someone else will now have to fill that dubious honor.

Louie Gohmert is not running for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives. Instead, he is running for Texas Attorney General -- hoping to unseat the ethically-challenged incumbent (Ken Paxton).

But Gohmert is not doing well in his race for Attorney General. In a poll taken between January 18th and 25 (Dallas Morning News / UT-Tyler Poll), he is trailing badly. He has only 8% to George P. Bush's 19% and Paxton's 33%.

There were still 33% undecided, but it looks unlikely they will gravitate to Gohmert now that primary voting has started.

Texas is the big winner with Gohmert out of office.