GoDaddy VS InMotion Hosting 2022: Is InMotion Hosting Any Good? Which Is Better Hosting?

Posted on the 10 June 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

The main differences between InMotion VS GoDaddy are:

InMotion Hosting offers a broader selection of services than the competition - including shared, dedicated, VPS, and even WordPress-specific plans - InMotion Hosting offers an excellent mix of industry-leading technology, 24/7 support, and massive scalability for all hosting requirements.

GoDaddy is a household name in the hosting industry, often providing a gateway to the world of web hosting for newcomers. The firm makes it exceedingly simple and economical for anyone to choose a domain name, get hosting, and begin constructing their online business or personal website.

GoDaddy is ideal for consumers searching for affordable shared, domain, and email hosting, while InMotion is ideal for consumers seeking dependability, performance, and support.

Have you ever been frustrated with your website because of slow loading times?

The last thing you want to happen to your website is for it to go down. Hosting your website on an unreliable host that gives you a lot of downtime and problems costs you time, money, and peace of mind. Hosting with both Godaddy and InMotion Hosting means no more downtimes or worries about your website being down.

The ever-present battle of David and Goliath. Of the few versus the many. Of giant versus man! Or, perhaps without all the analogies, just - big business versus small business. In the sphere of the web hosting world, we are, of course, speaking of GoDaddy - the Web hosting industry's largest player. is a billion-dollar company having a market share of 59 million domain registrants. Check Godaddy Hosting Review here.

Even if half of those domain registrants didn't use GoDaddy's web hosting - they still would own more of the web hosting market share than even EIG (Endurance International Group - owners of HostGator, Arvixe, BlueHost, etc). But GoDaddy might suffer from the "too big for your own good," syndrome when you pit them against a smaller, employee-owned web hosting company such as InMotion Hosting. Check InMotion Hosting Review here.

Bottom Line Upfront: In my opinion, InMotion Hosting is perfect premium web hosting service with very reasonable price. InMotion Hosting is a company that provides high-quality web hosting with 24/7 customer support. If you're fed up with outages, or paying for hosting that doesn't work, switch to InMotion Hosting. It's the simplest decision you can make to keep your website running smoothly. Try InMotion Hosting Now!!

In this article, we're going to explore side by side the Goliath of web hosting with a smaller, but worthy adversary. Opinions aside, we want to let the specs do most of the battling, as the rest could be misconstrued as opinion and gossip. Sure, people like an underdog - and in this scenario, InMotion Hosting is definitely it. But 59 million users can't be wrong either. So let's let the web hosting specs do the battle for us, and we'll analyze after the battle to see who the true victor is.

GoDaddy's claim in the web hosting sphere was mostly brought on by the "domain name race." They wholly convinced a whole generation that a domain name was all you needed to get online. It worked as a business model but confused so many people.

Domains are to Hosting as Grapes are to Wine.

Both GoDaddy and InMotion Hosting offer domains, though GoDaddy does win this round for offering a greater variety of gTLDs, ccTLDs, and the regular TLDs (Top-level domain). InMotion Hosting offers, .com, .net, .org, .us, .biz or .info - which happen to be the internet's most popular TLDs. So if you don't care - then either work.

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GoDaddy VS InMotion: Money-Back Guarantee

Always an important aspect, and for online service, this is especially important because we as customers want the chance to "test the goods." InMotion Business Hosting product offers a 90-day money-back, no question guarantee. GoDaddy offers a full money-back guarantee for 45 days.

Solid-State Drives

InMotion Shared Hosting includes free Solid-State Drives (SSD) that offer higher performance than standard spinning hard disk drives. Research shows that SSDsare 20 times faster than SAS 15K drives and HDDs (hard-drive disks). does not offer Shared SSD Hosting.

The advantage here is that SSDs offer a faster display of data and information for customers. Faster is always better, especially if it's free.

If you'd like to save on your purchase from GoDaddy check out our exclusive coupon code. Click here to check GoDaddy Renewal Coupon.


Ever important are the times when you backup your data. This is so that in the event that a server crashes, all of your information doesn't go out the window. Testing these two brands, we found that InMotion Hosting back up their data every 24-36 hours for up to 10GB of data. Concurrently, GoDaddy backs up their data once a week randomly (time intervals not listed on their website)

InMotion Hosting

PostgreSQL offers a great option for database management and is an industry standard. It allows for flexibility to develop applications with the database that the user is most comfortable using. In addition to SSH Access, Ruby on Rails, and PHP - PostgreSQL is a great fit for any web host. InMotion Hosting offers this which caters to their business clientele. GoDaddy does not offer PostgreSQL.


No matter if it's a blog, a business website, or an eCommerce store - you have likely used or interacted with WordPress. The New York Times ' website is built using WordPress even! WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). It's no question that all competitive web hosts have access to WordPress and you can get it installed and run on a host's servers.

Both web hosts win here, but where GoDaddy is outdone is by InMotion Hosting's a pre-installed WordPress upon checkout so that the minute you checkout, you can start using the CMS immediately.


Softaculous is another one of those tools that are beneficial for your website and website management. It allows for you to use WordPress, PrestaShop, Joomla, Drupal, and more with a one-click installer. Both GoDaddy and InMotion Hosting offer Softaculous, but with GoDaddy, you have to ask for it, and with InMotion, the program already comes with it free of charge.

GoDaddy Cpanel

InMotion Hosting Uptime Services

These are UptimeRobot stats of one of our websites which are hosted on InMotion Hosting. 100% uptime looks impressive (and it mostly is).

Does InMotion Hosting Really Speed Up The Website?

Yes, our page speed scores aka core web vitals scores look pretty good when we hosted our website on InMotion Hosting. Core web vitals are an important ranking factor to rank your websites in top positions.

GTMetrix Grade A and Performance score of 97% should be sufficient to prove how fast InMotion Hosting is, especially considering the fact that this is just their most basic package!

Finally, the most important question - will the data fit?!

GoDaddy does not offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth with all of their Shared Hosting plans - there is more portioned out with smaller chunks and larger loads that allow for plan diversity - but they are all pre-packaged. InMotion Hosting offers unlimited disk space and bandwidth with their shared hosting plans.

GoDaddy and InMotion Hosting both priced differently due to the billing cycle. Actually, our editors recommend the InMotion Hosting Launch plan, as it's the best cost-effective one of the 4 plans.

Just the fact that GoDaddy is publically traded on the NYSE is enough for some people to sign up with them because it shows strength in the size of the company. It could, however, show that the company is run by stockholder interests, and not so much by customer service.

InMotion Hosting is employee-owned and operated. As they are independent of any larger organization, they claim to focus "beyond just the bottom line." The company has a set of values that multiple review sites have already prodded and tested - with the company passing and maintaining those standards. Neither host wins this round because of preference to you - the reader.

If you want big business security with a small business approach - InMotion Hosting is right for you. If you want large, cheap, and quick - GoDaddy gives you what you want for a great blog.

InMotion Hosting


In all, it's really about preference. InMotion Hosting is a smaller company and might not have the infrastructure that GoDaddy has with its larger staff, and support centers - but then again, one must consider the thing of ultimate importance with this: quality versus quantity.

GoDaddy offers some solid advantages in price and usability (UX), but they can be limited in the quality of support they offer for their whopping 59 million customers. A lot of them are those users who buy domains and simply don't do anything with them.

InMotion Hosting although smaller in size, is just as established as GoDaddy - they just target, or attract, a different customer to their services. The more focused user would appreciate InMotion Hosting for their U.S based 24/7/365 support and their dedication to offering to host with no hassle.

Winner: InMotion Hosting