God in Nature

By Rodjonesartist

A pandemic has brought mankind to its knees. Bringing forth a great benefit to nature. The sky, the land, the sea, and the animals of the earth can jubilate; if only for a time, while man shelters in and gives way to the natural order of things.

Historically, from time to time throughout the millennia our planet, under the guidance of nature and God has needed to purge and reset itself. Perhaps this is a significant time in world history, and perhaps we humans will sit back and let nature dictate our future.

Most truly—  valuable lessons in life, never come easy. The nature of man is to always be in control, which invariably leads to the downfall of societal evolution.

Maybe this time we should pay attention to a dynamic that may lead us into a more fulfilling life, guided by the wisdom of nature and its creator.

Nature asked God

Can I have a break from mankind?

And God made it so.

Rod Jones Artist