"God Does Not Play Around with Our Souls"

Posted on the 01 December 2014 by Brutallyhonest @Ricksteroni

Love the metaphor used here by W.L. Grayson when he makes the claim that the Church uses live ammo:

I’ve observed a general feeling in much of the world today that looks at the Catholic Church as an outdated group with quaint, if not retrograde, beliefs that just can’t leave well enough alone.

“Who cares if people of the same sex want to get ‘married?’  How does that hurt me?”

“What’s the big deal with allowing divorced and remarried people (without annulment) to receive Eucharist?  If it makes them feel more connected to the God, then why not?”

“Why shouldn’t a priest be allowed to report child molesters who confess to them?  Wouldn’t it be irresponsible not to do so?”

I’m sure you could think of more questions like these that you’ve encountered in your discussions about the Catholic Church.  We are cast as moral busybodies who cannot get with the times.

The thing is that I can completely understand objections like this.  They make total and complete sense…IF the Church is just a Church made by man.  

But of course, we know that it is not.  It is the Church of God.  And God uses live ammo.

I recently directed a play.  In it, some characters handle a small, unimpressive little cylinder  They grab it, shake it, and toss it without much thought.  But then they are told that it contains something that could destroy a good portion of the Earth.  Suddenly, they freeze and hold the item gingerly and with the greatest of care.  Fear and awe overcome them as they cannot take their eyes off of this object of immense power, taking in the grave consequence of its misuse.

The Catholic Church is like that cylinder.  If all we are can be reduced to some fallible humans mucking about with our silly traditions, then of course forward-thinking people might find our steadfast resolution to be folly in the modern era.

But the Church is founded by Christ, our Lord and God.  And the Church’s teachings are rooted in His teachings.  

And God does not play around with our souls.  

Christ was insistent to spread his message.  He told the Apostles, “Go, make disciples of all nations.”  It cost all of them (with the exception of John) their lives in martyrdom. 

If Jesus only wanted them to spread His message so that some people could feel slightly better about their connection to God, then that would make Christ cruel.  It would have meant He thought very little of the lives of His Apostles, to have them pay so heavy a price for so meager a goal.

No, the more logical conclusion is that He asked them to give everything because everything was on the line.  

Mr. Grayson has more and sure it's preachy but it's truth, take it or leave it.

I left it for too long, while in that forsaken state having what is commonly called shelf faith, beliefs pulled out of the cupboard when some crisis or dilemma or need or event prompts it, and once dealt with, putting that faith back in the closet while trusting that God is satisfied with the token effort.

Thankfully, God, as He will for all of us, continued his pursuit of me and though my faith remains imperfect, I'm more committed now than ever to never put God on any shelf or in any cupboard again.

God help me with that commitment.

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