Gobble, Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving!

By Dgmommy @dgmommyblogger

Artwork by P.Vellozzo

In no particular order, and without lengthy details, I am thankful for:
1. My family - hubby, kids, parents, MIL, siblings, aunts & uncles, cousins... every last one of you!2. That my children have settled in beautifully to a new country and schools!3. That I have a car!!4. The opportunity to live in beautiful England5. My friend, B. I miss you!6. My readers, blog friends and their blogs, for the support and laughter they provide! 7. Social Media8. The knowledge that every day is gift and an opportunity9. My health and the health of my family10. That I get to Skype with my 101-year-old Grams today!!! Hooray!
Your turn! What are you thankful for?