Goals & Resolutions…How Did I Do?

By Lipsy @lipsyy


Although I’m not one to make resolutions, last year I set myself 10 goals. How did I do?

2015 Goals

  1. Find a good job (sounds simple right?): Success! Sort of. I found a job that I really enjoy. I work in a prison library, which is completely crazy, and challenging but also lots of fun, and very, very interesting. The only downside is that it pays terribly and I’m really struggling to stay afloat. :(
  2. Be more organised, especially with blogging: I think I did achieve this to some degree, but I’ll continue to work on it.
  3.  Request less ARCs and read more of the books on my real-life shelves: I don’t think I achieved this at all so I will be challenging myself to actually do it this year!
  4.  Promote my etsy shop: I did do this, sporadically, and after a slow start my shop did make me some much needed spending money.
  5. Go to the dentist/doctors more: Complete success! Go me!
  6. Save money (after I’ve found a job of course): So this never happened, and probably won’t for as long as I’m on the wage I am, living where I do…
  7. Change the look of my blog: I’m not sure if I did that at the beginning of 2015, but I do feel like a change again….
  8. Work on more original content – less memes: I had a good run of doing Friday Features which were really fun, but I found it too time-consuming to keep up with those and all my other regular posts once I got my new job and they kind of fizzled out. Must.Try.Harder

Well that wasn’t too bad!

2016 Goals/Resolutions

As well as working on the above, I would like to achieve the following this year:

  1. Be more active in the blogosphere: I love reading and commenting on other people’s blogs, but that really took a backseat this year as I don’t have my phone or access to the internet at work, and I’m usually too tired in the evenings to spend long on it. I really want to make more time this year though. I miss reading my favorite blogs.
  2. Get a promotion/ Pay Increase: I’m holding out for a possible promotion at work, but it’s all up in the air. If it doesn’t happen, I may have to look for another job, which is really upsetting because I don’t want to leave at all!
  3. Get back to writing: This is basically a pipe dream because I never seem to have any time…but I want to make it happen.
  4. Post reviews on Amazon & Waterstones: I’m really rubbish at posting my reviews anywhere other than my blog. I usually remember to copy them to Goodreads, but I always forget to put them elsewhere, and I know I should.

That’s about all I can manage this year I reckon!

Happy New Year to You All!