Goals Are the Gas in Your Car

By Akklemm @AnakaliaKlemm

Title: Life Is Hard But God Is Good

Author: L. Jay Horton

Genre: Self-Help

Length: 233 pages

My best days usually involve me waking up earlier – before my child wakes me up.  I mosey through the kitchen, I get my coffee, I read something ‘too serious for late at night’ usually Augustine or the bible or something that my newly awake mind can handle better than my sleepy, tired mind can.  I write for awhile, I read something not-so-serious but with a positive spin, and then of course am interrupted by my child for toast.  After toast, all bets are off and it’s whatever I am in the mood or have time for that gets read.

Those are my ‘best’ days, not every day.  But my best days have included a few minutes with L. Jay Horton post ‘too serious reading.’  He’s good for a little motivational pep talk and reminds me of things that I really need to remember – like staying positive, not letting other peoples’ negativity get me down, and enjoying the setting of goals.  I love goals.  I’ve always been big on goals – that’s why I named my review “Goals are the Gas in Your Car” because it’s my favorite thing that Horton said in the whole book.  And the book is full of some good stuff.

I’m typically leery of pep talk books.  The likes of Joel Osteen make me nervous.  I hear the skepticism of my father in my head when I see him, “Of course he’s smiling, he’s taking all your money.”  But Horton is genuine.  I’ve met him in person, worked with him at book signings, enjoyed coffee over the enigma of the twitter-spere – Horton wants good things for people and his book is all about him sharing the things he’s learned about achieving good things in life.

Horton’s book feels a lot like a lukewarm bible study, but it’s really meant for your professional life.  Wake up each morning, read a chapter, go back to the grindstone with a smile on your face and productivity in your heart… success will follow.  He talks about the importance of greeting your coworkers with a hello and a smile, about not chatting it up with the people who bring negativity to you, and the importance of goal setting.  It’s all common sense stuff that is so easy to lose sight of if you’re not being reminded of it every day.

All in all, Horton’s book is full of good stuff and I look forward to reading more of his work in the future.  And I know there will be more work from him to read, because Horton still has goals – after all goals are the gas in his car.