Go With The Flow

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Through automatic writing, the words are unplanned within me.

A continuing saga, that never ceases to be.

Quite mysterious yet serious, it all calls out to me.

I love the way it makes me, the magical places it takes me.

Spirit inspired me to create another blog that expresses and promotes wellness as I am back in the mode to write and have the time in between time.


I have quite a few interests.

I am a multi-tasker and have those multi talents just like a lot of other people out there in the world and it is important to utilize those abilities if one is hit with inspiration.

Talent and creativity shouldn’t be wasted even if it is just a hobby it is important to let out inner voice and vision even if we don’t know where it will lead us.

Energy puts us into motion and the vibe guides us along the way. No matter what one is motivated to do be sure to exercise and to nurture it too.

Expiriment and explore, then is when we open up the door.

Once we get inside, we don’t tend to get discouraged because during our times of fulfillment, the force has us wanting more.
