Go Vegan With Delicious Protein Balls!

By Beliteweight @BeLiteWeight

Having a healthy lifestyle gives you several different avenues in life, one of them is going vegan. While it can be a drastic lifestyle change for anyone it is also a great way to stay in shape, be happy, and lose excess weight while also being environmentally friendly and lessening your carbon footprint. One great recipe to see if vegan is something you would want to do are these super healthy protein balls.

Of course, if you don’t want to go full vegan, this doesn’t stop you from having a vegan friendly snack or meal from time to time. This recipe only calls for three ingredients. That’s it. But it is an amazingly fresh and light snack that is absolutely perfect as a post workout snack because how much protein and carbohydrates are packed into it. At only 141 calories for the entire meal, how can you resist trying them out?

Like said previously, you will only need three ingredients to make this recipe. They are:

  • One cup of rolled oats
  • One serving of vegan vanilla protein powder (plant-based)
  • One large banana, ripe

The directions to make these vegan protein balls is also very easy to understand and will only take a couple of minutes to complete. Here are the full instructions below.

  • Ready your food processor and pour both the protein powder and rolled oats into the processor. Keep the processor on for about a minute or until the oats are only slightly chopped but still not completely smoothed down.
  • Next, add in the banana and turn on the food processor until you start creating a dough out of the mixture. Take out the dough from the food processor.
  • Start making twelve dough balls on a flat surface, however large or small you want them to be. You can also put them in a reusable container to keep them fresh for longer.
  • Store the leftovers in an airtight container and let them sit in the fridge to remain fresh.
Recipe Recipe NameGo Vegan With Delicious Protein Balls! 2014-08-22 0H30M 0H30M Total Time 0H30M no rating Based on 0 Review(s)