Go Responsive…NOW!

Posted on the 21 November 2016 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

I know that already you know. It's important to go responsive.

You've heard the word "Responsive" used and you know it's important... but what is it really? Responsive is referring to a website design that responds to the device that is viewing it.

So the website will look different on the big screen of a desktop compared to a little screen of an iPhone.... and everything in between. Is your website responsive? Not sure? Click here or here to test it.

Mobile is the way to go. More and more, people are using their phones to check a website. And desktop viewing is in a downward trend for searching, online buying and engagement.

New Reason to Go Responsive with Rules for Search Results

Now Google has announced that they will have two different indexes of search results. One for mobile. One for desktop.

Timeframe: "within months." Maybe that means early 2017, but it could be any time actually.

Mashable considers this revision one of Google's biggest changes to search.

The MOBILE search index will become the primary index. It will be updated more frequently. And if I am interpreting their announcement correctly, responsive sites will be the only sites that will be shown in search results on mobile phones.

While most companies are updating their websites, if you haven't revised your company's website to be mobile friendly yet, you may find a sudden drop in traffic... within months.

You may have just a "few"?? months to get your website switched over to become responsive! I think they were being vague on purpose and it sounds like a threat. I know I'm going to make sure that we go through our client list and send them an email so they know what's coming down the road.

I'll write more on this info as it becomes available.