Go Go Gadget Blog: Tips On Writing A Blog For Techies

Posted on the 21 July 2015 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

Writing a blog to impress techies may be a challenge if you are not technologically inclined.  Building a blog could be an excellent way to stir up interest if you are in the technology profession.  It’s sort of a savvy way to build up a better reputation as a part time techie yourself.  You don’t want to focus solely on technical matters.  You have show some sort of personality and point of view on things.  Remember, you have lots of competition.  Tech blogs are one in a million these days.  Here are a few ways you can try to stay ahead of the game and build a successful blog for techies and their gadgets.

Be Confident

This is the part where you decide what you want to focus upon in your tech blog.  Maybe you want to focus on software development, or the development of games.  Whatever subject you settle on, you should become a connoisseur in that area.  You don’t have to be a superstar, but you should know what you are writing about.

Learn The Lingo

Utilize google here.  It will be extremely useful and simplify your assignment.  You should probably just make google your best friend, if you haven’t really written about tech gadgets before.  Read, and read a lot.  The more you read up on your area of focus, the more fluently you will be able to communicate in techno babble.  Read other tech writer’s material.  Make sure to keep up with the latest trends and new versions of older gadgets…etc.

Blog Regularly

If your block doesn’t remain relevant to its readers, you will lose those readers quickly.  You should blog regularly.  Like it was mentioned before, you don’t have to always blog about techie stuff.  Blog about life.  Blog about your industry troubles.  Whatever you do, just write!  Show your personality through your words, and give your audience something to look forward to.  Post weekly or daily, but post on a set schedule.  This way, people will know when to expect new material.

Enlist Your Friends

Enlist the power of your friends by posting your blog link on your social media sites.  Use the network that has already been built for you to stir up followers.  By enlisting your friends to plug your blog on their pages, you will then be visible to hundreds or even thousands of potential readers in a matter of seconds.  Blogging isn’t solely about writing, it’s also about how you intend to market your writing to build your following.  Any way you go, blogging is a lot of work.  You have to put in a daily effort, so don’t think this is a day project.