Gluten Free Product Review | Naked Whey by Naked Nutrition

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

Disclaimer: “Compensation for this post was provided by my friends at Naked Nutrition. Opinions expressed in the review are my own.”

It wasn’t until the folks over at Naked Nutrition contacted me about trying their brand new Naked Whey protein powder that I realized how little I actually knew about whey protein. This realization was ironic since I’ve been using a variety of whey based and plant based protein powders for the past six years. I never really realized that up until now I had only been basing my selection on the grams of protein per serving and not much else.

So, I’m happy to be enlightened and better educated on not only whey protein but the greatness that is Naked Nutrition’s all natural whey protein powder; Naked Whey.

What Is Naked Whey

According to Naked Nutrition’s website: “Grass Fed Whey Protein comes from dairy cows that have a 100% grass-fed diet. The milk from the cows is non-GMO, with no rBGH or rBST, and non-denatured. The resulting whey protein is soy free, gluten free, and grain free. Grass-Fed protein is used to build lean muscle and aid recovery.

Naked Nutrition’s patented process creates a non-denatured whey loaded with essential amino acids, glutathione, and clean protein. There are no additives like artificial flavors or sweeteners and they work directly with the farmers.

What Makes “Naked Whey” Different

What immediately struck me about Naked Whey is that unlike most whey protein powders that I’ve used it is free from a bevvy of hard to pronounce artificial ingredients, binders, and fillers. In fact, it contains only one ingredient: Grass Fed Whey Protein. That’s it! With 25 grams per serving (two scoops) you can’t get anymore natural than that.

The flavor is definitely very smooth and when combined with smoothie ingredients gives a very thick milkshake like texture. Still I like the overall flavor and mouth feel of Naked Whey. It doesn’t have a chalky or “fake” taste that other whey protein powders add to smoothies.

What Makes Naked Whey Better

Pure taste. Minimal ingredients and a commitment to keeping it clean. Naked Whey is the whey protein that you need in your life if you are someone looking for a standout whey protein powder. What’s even better is that Naked Nutrition has an extensive line of different protein powders and supplements that are a cut above the rest. There’s even two all vegan powders: Pea Protein & Rice Protein that I cannot wait to review very soon.



P.S: If you like me need a bit of schooling on “whey protein” check out my article: The Truth About Whey here

Photo credit: Naked Nutrition

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