Gluten-free and Dairy-free Pancake Recipe

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

I don’t consider myself a cook, and my recipes are usually just done by looking, tasting etc., so if you ever see a recipe on this blog (there’s only been one other one so far), then realize that my measurements aren’t exact, but you should be able to make these things because they tend to be ridiculously easy recipes.

This recipe was a result of a really bad day.  REALLY bad.  It was raining, my pain levels were really high, I was tired, then my tire went flat and my mechanic was closed and I was ready to give up.  I went to the grocery as planned anyway and the lady who helped me pack my grocery bags packed them too heavy – and then I had to run in the rain to the car and try to open the car trunk and lift these bags into the trunk which took all my energy and hurt like a mo fo.

When I reached home, I put the cold perishables away, had a drink of water and jumped straight back into bed.  I caught up on my sleep and woke up with a much more positive outlook, but for some reaosn I was craving pancakes like a crazy woman!

I’ve officially been gluten-free for about three years now – so I haven’t had pancakes in a long time.  In a long long time.  I’ve not bought premixed gluten-free pancake mixes because I don’t eat them enough to store that much of a mix in my small pantry.

Luckily, because my Mommy encouraged me this past Christmas to start experimenting with glut-free flour, I have some on hand and some xantham gum as well  (a must for GOOD gluten free baking!).

So, I got my lazy tail out of bed and decided to try to create a good pancake recipe.  I know it seems simple because it’s just pancakes, but these were so fantabulous that I had to share.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


yep - I like mini-pancakes


2 eggs, well beaten

1 cup of coconut milk drink (or almond milk or rice milk – choose your poison)

1 cup gluten free flour mix (I used Bob’s Red Mill All-Purpose Flour Mix)

1/2 tsp xantham gum (same amount you’d put in a cake btw)

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp lime/lemon juice

2 Tbsp white sugar (or to taste – I don’t like my pancakes too sweet)

blueberries to taste (can also use chocolate chips instead I think for a chocolate version)

Dairy free margarine (to cook in – I use Earth Balance)


Mix everything together (except blueberries & margarine) well! (I used a hand mixer because of my arms hurting today but use whatever you wish).   I listed the ingredients in the order I put them into the bowl.

Heat a griddle or large frying pan until hot, put a significant amount of the dairy-free margarine into the pan.  To get the same result as normal dairy butter, you need to use a little more than usual.

Drop spoonfuls of the batter into the hot, melted margarine. DO NOT OVERCROWD THE PAN (yes, yes, I know I did in my photos).

Do as I say and not as I do!!

Take some blueberries and drop on top of the cooking batter – you can put a lot, or a little – I did 5 or 6 large blueberries per pancake.

When the batter starts to bubble on top, that’s when you need to flip. need a few more bubbles than this....

Using a fish fry/spatula (whichever you call it), flip pancake.  Be careful with the blueberries as they tend to weigh down the batter a bit and may cause it to be a bit messy.

...or you end up getting a messy pancake like this....

Leave for a few minutes to cook.  To test, cut a small slit through the pancake and push down on top of it.  If batter comes up through the hole, it needs to cook some more.  If nothing comes up, then your pancake is ready to be removed from the pan.

Find your fanciest, girliest plate and stack your pancakes however you like them, whether it be spread out or a tall tower.

I advise you to eat with real Canadian maple syrup because the store-bought stuff like Aunt Jemima’s just cannot compare (that was my foodie statement of the day).  Some people eat pancakes with honey…I’ve not tried it myself….some eat it with butter, but I didn’t need the margarine with these
